I decided to pick the "mini bow-tie" because it kind of reminded me of a linoleum floor pattern, weird I know, but it somehow reminds me of home. The colors I'd like everyone to use are Yellow (like primary color yellow) and Gray.
What you'll need:
1 Gray fabric
2 Different Yellow fabrics
Stuff to Cut:
Cut the Gray fabric into eight 3 & 1/2 inch squares
Cut Yellow (1) into four 3 & 1/2 inch squares and four 2 inch squares
Cut Yellow (2) the same as Yellow (1)... four 3 & 1/2 inch squares and four 2 inch squares
Now time to sew!
First, take the 2" squares and draw a line corner to corner right down the center. You'll sew on this line.
Next place the little 2" squares lined up in the corner of each gray square,right-sides together, pin and sew on the line you marked.
Last cut off the outside edge of the 2" square that you sewed to the gray block. I lined the seam up on the first line on my ruler thing which was about 1/4" and cut it off. Open the square and press the seams toward the gray side.
Once all the little squares are sewn the the corners of the gray squares your ready to put it all together. I would like the yellow "bow ties" paired up in opposite corners.
I found it was easiest to sew the squares together in pairs, then 4 blocks then all together (see pics)
And, the finished product!
You might notice that the colors change, I made a couple blocks so that I could make the quilt a row bigger since I wont use any sashing between the blocks. Anyways, the second block came together easier than the first by using this method.
I'll be looking forward to seeing the finished blocks!