With 3 of my 4 children - the one not in the picture is another boy a bit older than my youngest NAME: Roslyn Beckstead
WHERE DO YOU LIVE: Georgia (that's were I met Rachel G. and we miss her!), but grew up in New York, schooled in Utah, then Houston and back to Utah where my husband continued his schooling.
HOBBIES: I LOVE cross-stitching, to read, garden (any working out in the yard), run, and bake.
SEWING EXPERIENCE: My mom taught me to sew when I was little, but I didn't do much to improve my skills. I have made simple patterned clothes, but don't ask me to do anything different from the pattern. If your body doesn't fit the pattern, sorry. :) But I can sew a pretty good straight line, so maybe I'll get a hang of this quilting thing - I've never made a real one and the king size jean quilt has been in strips in a box in my basement for 4 years!
WHAT IS YOUR BEST FEATURE: I really like my hair and hope to never go gray because I don't ever want to color it. Also, my eyes after a good cry are a really cool bright green (they are a bit of a dull hazel normally).
WHAT CRAZY THING TO YOU WANT TO TRY: I'm not much of a "try something crazy" person, but I always wanted to go sky diving. After having children . . . no more desire.
WHAT MAKES YOU PANIC: I'm pretty easy going, but if my husband is out of town - every creak, bump, noise, or moving light outside sets my heart racing. Especially if I've watched anything that isn't a girly movie.
Life has been crazy, but I'm excited about the quilting group and promise to stay on the ball. Again, sorry this is late getting on. It's been fun reading all the other introductions.