Wednesday, February 23, 2011

abigail's block

so here it finally is. i have had it done for a week or so and just never had the chance to get it posted! roseanne, i hope you are ok with some mess-ups and crooked lines! things not being perfect makes me crazy (and panic sometimes) so quilting is going to be a funny experience for me while i am learning! but i am really excited now that we are started.

i am also getting really excited because i am in charge of march and i have the pattern decided and now i am trying to pick colors....can't wait to share!


  1. I love your block. I think I am liking all of them. Rosanne is lucky to be the first get all of her blocks. If I were her I would be very excited. Also, I think you did a great job! I had lots of help from Rachel. :) I am excited to get your pattern/design.

  2. I love the red fabric you chose. So cute!

  3. Awesome Abigail! You are too hard on yourself!!! Can't wait for next months pattern:)

  4. I can't wait for the pattern either, sister. I too really love the fabric you chose.
