Wednesday, March 30, 2011

For April

I'm sure you are already looking forward to April's square and I first must apologize for not having my own step by step and pictures, but I lost fabric ruler - you know the clear plastic one with all the great lines on it (I'm obviously not a seasoned quilter and don't know the vocabulary). And there is no way I want to try and hand cut the pieces!

Abigail, this also means that your piece is coming, just a little late. Sorry.

Here is a link to the block I want to do for April - The Eccentric Star
I'm making it for my son, Logan, so I'd like greens and blues (the center block can be a square of either the blue or green fabric you choose). Since it will be for a boy I hope it won't be too hard to find non-flowery fabric.
As soon as I get mine done I'll do another post to show you, but I hope the link will let you get going whenever you're ready.

Thanks, Logan is already asking about his blanket. :)


  1. I really like this block. I am so excited to do something a little different. You are so together...April isn't until Friday....I am impressed. :)

  2. I have a question for you want true greens and blues or would you like aquas and limes. Just let me may not matter to you but I want to be on target. :)

  3. Sorry to throw so many questions at you, but do you know it is only a 9" block? Do you want us to figure measurements to make it 12"?

  4. I think the 9" block is for a child size quilt. The 12" block would make it a larger quilt.

    OK, I found this adorable fabric and I am hoping the colors will work for you. I had so much fun picking it out...I love your colors. :)

  5. I'd like true blues and greens. Thanks.
    I wouldn't know how to make it a 12" block unless the weblink to the pattern has the other measurements. Do you know how? I was just thinking I'd put in strips of fabric to fill it out more.
    If anyone can figure out the 12" measurements for me I'd love it!

  6. I have already cut mine out. Let me know soon before I sew it together. I can recut it. :)
